0:03 Hello and welcome to today's California State Library webinar hosted by Infopeople. This webinar is sponsored by the California State Library as part of the 2019 2020 metrics Grant and our topic today is census 2020 libraries engaging communities before we turn it over to our presenters. We're going to hear from Beverly schwartzberg library programs consultant from the California State Library. 0:31 Thank you and welcome from the California State Library today's webinar and census 2020 features for percenters each with a different take on how libraries are supporting. The Census count. 0:44 Our four panelists are Eric Berman at Alameda County in California telling us about the census and Sensibility toolkit developed by the California library association's leadership challenge team Amy rash and Alison Troutman from the Berks County library system in We've developed a sense of Story Time cool tool kit and training for their staff. 1:07 Helen Christian of Alameda County Libraries adult education and literacy program who will highlight the ways in which adult literacy programs can incorporate the census into Civics and literacy instruction and Crystal Duran of Imperial County Free Library in California showing how a rural library system can promote census 2020 Crystal could not be with us today. So I'll be presenting for her. 1:32 I'm Bev schwartzberg from the California State library, and we're so glad to share just as Sample of the great census work that libraries are carrying out this spring across the us as trusted Community hubs libraries are well situated to get the word out about the importance of the census as well as helping the public understand that the process is private and safe. 1:55 We're aware that the audience members also will have ideas to share so you can enter those ideas in the questions area, and we'll post at the end of the webinar. Your questions are also welcomed. Thanks. 2:30 Ellen anytime you Okay, okay, we can hear you now. 2:39 Okay, and this is bad was I unmuted sorry for the interruption. 2:46 Yeah, you were muted. Okay. I'm going to read you the introduction. 2:53 Welcome from the California State Library. Today's webinar and senses 2020 features. 3:00 Each with a different take on how libraries are supporting. The Census count. Our four panelists are Eric Berman of Alameda County Library in California telling us about the census and Sensibility toolkit developed by the California library association's leadership challenge team. 3:17 Amy rash and Allison Troutman from the Berks County library system in Pennsylvania who have developed a census Story Time toolkit and training for their staff Helen Christian of Alameda County Libraries adult education and literacy program who will highlight the ways in which adult literacy programs can incorporate the census into Civics and literacy instruction and Crystal Duran of Imperial County Free Library in California showing how a rural library system can promote census 2020. 3:47 Crystal could not be with us today. So I'll be presenting for her. I'm Bev schwartzberg from the California State library, and we're so glad to share just a sample of the great census work that libraries are carrying out this spring across the us as trusted Community hubs libraries are well situated to get the word out about the importance of the sentence as well as helping the public understand that the process is private and safe. 4:13 We're aware that the audience also will have ideas to share so you can enter those ideas in the questions area, and we'll post at the end of the webinar. Your questions are always welcome. Thank you, and I'm going to turn it over to Eric. All right, good morning. So, my name is Eric Berman, and I'm here to present on our toolkit census and Sensibility preparing California libraries for the 2020 census. 4:40 Did you go to the next slide? 4:43 so just briefly about our my team and what we did we were part of a silly leadership challenge which started in 2018 and I was just a bunch of mid-career Library professionals who banded together to solve challenges for the California community and our goal was the senses how we could pass it position California libraries as an essential resource for the 2020 census the six of us came from a variety of locations Library types of positions and we figured Thing out. We hope will be useful for any library in California and hopefully in your library and the country the other next slide. 5:23 So just really quickly. I'm sure you all know a lot about why the census is important. But you know, it's transition for the primarily online format about a ton of confusion about the format of nature of it the fact when we were doing the research and instruction are toolkit, the senses just didn't have answers about pretty basic questions. In addition. The citizenship question was looming huge. We actually had a huge chunk of the toolkit. That was just about that. Of course. I got taken away right at the Last Stand. 5:53 And we know of course that it's a critical census Alameda County. 5:58 Every person counted represents about a thousand dollars of benefits and me California could lose congressional representation if there was a severe under count so go to the next slide. 6:13 So how can this tool can help you? Well, one thing that we realized is that when you're that a la was developing a toolkit and that there would be a lot of sources just about what the census is and how it works and why it's so valuable what really really want to do is produce a practical document something that a high resource Library could take and uses inspiration to develop their own programs and something that a library that didn't. 6:43 A lot of resources either money or staff could take take chunks of it and just paste it into their own programming with minimal effort. We also wanted to get this out very early because we know that libraries are planning things out months or even years ahead of time ahead of time. 7:04 So the next time please. 7:07 This really briefly. We broke this toolkit into main four sections. We also have a frequently asked questions section and a pretty extensive list of appendices. 7:18 So first section because the next slide It's all about preparing the community. We knew that the first thing you had to do was get your community involved and engaged in the scientists struggle, especially if you were sort of the people the only people there who were pushing forward. So we talked a little bit about why the census is important, but mostly geared toward how do you talk to your administrators and Community stakeholders about the census? 7:47 We give people advice on how to identify the barriers to stuff this access. Who do you need to Target specifically what makes areas hard to count. So what areas need more effort on our part and what resources do you have to give to your local leaders to get them on board? 8:06 In our next section, the next slide is about preparing your staff because if they're not on board, then you're not going to get a lot of traction. 8:16 So we wanted to give pretty detailed answers about the questions that your staff is going to have like is the sense of safe. What is our relationship to the census do we help them take it? What a question is going to be asked. 8:33 How can I train my staff and how can staff get more training if they feel uncomfortable about the acceptance and how to get more information for your staff? So we talked about the illya toolkit and other ways to get census information. 8:49 Next slide please. 8:52 We also talked a lot about marketing because we know that's such a big part of this getting the count-out process, but also something that Librarians are traditionally struggling with so we talked a little bit about why should Market how to identify Target audiences, but also provide very practical advice. 9:14 We talk about posters and flyers and actually provide some samples you can use And we talked about some marketing ideas. We actually have a list of marketing ideas that under different tiers of money's like these are things you can do for free. These are things you can do with a couple hundred dollars. These are things you can do if you have got a lot of money. 9:37 So there's things you can develop out into a bigger marketing campaign or pull pieces out to use and our final main section go to that. 9:47 Is programming so it's kind of hard to write programs for the census because it's such a specific thing. We talked a little bit about programs you can do to heighten the awareness of the census and that's both modifying existing programs to have a census element to it like a census based Story Time and also processes to actually facilitate the scientists developing a sense. 10:17 Action kiosk in fact because of the work that we did here San Diego County went out and made hundreds of these little kiosks which is a stations where people in the community can go and just take the census and we've got some actual plans for you to take if you want to do a census related story time with that will guide that you can use as the basis for your own program. 10:43 So the next slide, please. 10:46 We have our frequently asked questions section and that is more for the public facing and my hope with this section was that the anticipated questions questions that your members are going to have that your public going to have about the senses that you could just take this and read it verbatim really basic information basic talking points. All of them is annotated with links and sources and references. 11:18 To give you the server information that you need. 11:21 Go to the next section. 11:24 And then finally, we have a pretty extensive list of appendices that are all designed to help you research is ready. We start with the checklist to make sure that you're covering all the parts of the senses that you need. We have a list of recommended readings that includes government resources websites as well as the books and other things that we could find. 11:48 We have fires that we created one of our team members is actually pretty good at graphic design and we work with a firm to develop some graphics and logos. So you don't even have to make your own Flyers. You could use one of ours as the basis as well as the logos that we created. We also develop some things to facilitate programs. So we have a census challenge game board that kind of a thing go like program. 12:13 We've got learning plans 14 and children's programs and also, Evaluation questions because it's just as important to evaluate these programs as it is to hold them off and a lot of cases. 12:28 So if you go to the next slide all this is posted online. This link is the direct link to the tool kit. It will take a little bit of time the type that I'm aware. So if you just search for the California State Library senses, you'll be taken to a census landing page that we helped develop that's got information to our toolkit a links to the a lace toolkit and a lot of basic information about the senses. 12:56 So we'll be taking questions at End, but I hope this is toolkit has been useful. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me later on. Thank you. 13:20 Hi everybody. We're from Berks County public libraries in Pennsylvania. Next slide and I am a mere Ash. I'm the system administrator for Brooks County public libraries. I have a masters in library and information science and a master's of Business Administration for the past 10 years. I've worked in public library School libraries higher education and archives and I'm Allison Troutman, and I have a master's in library information. 13:50 Should science and I'm the Outreach Services coordinator for Berks County public libraries before this. I was Youth Services librarian for five years next slide. 14:02 So a little bit of information about our system, we support 23 libraries and branches throughout our County. We serve 420,000 people 866 square miles and we have a range of Library types Urban locations such as the city of reading and Rural locations that are mostly Farmland next slide. 14:27 So we started helping with the census on April 1st, 2019 by partnering with the complete count Committee of Berks County and I work with educational committee and Alison works with the community organizations committee. We saw the census as a way to establish ourselves as a vital partner for obtaining an accurate count of residents in the 2020 census next slide. 14:53 Historically certain groups of people have been undercounted by the census. One of those areas is children zero to five families are sometimes unsure whether to include young children on their forms. The census is trying to help address this undercount by updating wording to all adults children and babies living or staying at this address to remind people to count. All children under gown is so important because of a child is five years old and is not counted. 15:23 The 2020 census there's no chance to count them again until they're 15, and they've passed through elementary and middle and high school without being planned for next slide. 15:35 All right. So with 23 locations, it can often be very very difficult to find a way to spread a message that works. Well for each individual Library, each one has different needs different populations and different staff that have a variety of skills. But one common denominator. I'm sure you've already guessed is you services and that story time this gave us the idea to develop the 2020 census storytime kits that encourage Youth Services librarians. 16:04 Berks County to spread the word about the importance of counting young children in the census next slide. 16:13 I wanted to create something that allowed for creativity and was also adaptable for different ages and skills of the presenters. Everyone has a different style when it comes to story time. And I think it's very important to allow for that flexibility to allow each presenter to shine our Librarians also appreciate having grab-and-go opportunities that allow them to maximize program time, but minimize the time that you have to spend preparing for that program as I'm sure all of you do next slide. 16:45 Here's a picture of the kit. You can see the red box that we send it around in and then it also has two books about counting laminated song sheets for presenters and participants that includes songs Rhymes fingerplays that focus on Counting and prompts to talk about the census and remind parents to count their children when they respond in March or April 1 large die, so I was excited to find this because it's a fun activity. 17:13 So if you see on The right hand side of the screen. There's a cool. Dye that you can use to reinforce counting skills. So if you roll it during story time, you can then decide to the number 5 comes up. You're all going to jump five times or maybe Pat your head five times or quack like a duck five times. We also have included copies of coloring pages. 17:36 So libraries can hand them out at story times as well as Flyers with reminders for parents to complete their senses and count children in their household when you they do Well show you a copy of that in a moment next slide. So the box is also include accounting activity. I found this on the internet you Services best friend. So this is going to be a kit that travels around without returning to me to be restocked. So that basically nixed the idea of a craft of some kind so I couldn't include items that would have to be replaced. 18:09 The idea of this activity is that kids take the clothes pins and exercises great fine motor skills to To them and then put them on the dot the white dots and count how many clothes pins they put on. So each one is in a little plastic baggie that the you Services Librarians can hand out and then collect at the end of story time and they're free to add their own craft, but we do have something for them if they don't next slide. 18:36 All right. So the idea is that this is a kit that you can kind of add one of your favorite color accounting books to and they're encouraged to add an extra book since counting books exist in all languages Librarians are flexible and free to choose any title based on their population. Do they need to perhaps read the book in Spanish or another language? We know that reading city does have a large Spanish-speaking population. So many of the suggested books are also available. 19:06 oval in Spanish next slide and here's that close-up of the flyer that we developed to encourage people to count their children. It focuses on why it's important to respond to the census that completing the census does only take 10 minutes depending on the number of people in your household. But really it should only take 10 minutes the services that your responses to the census determine with a focus on services for children as well as how to count the children in your household next slide. 19:40 All right, so scheduling the kits that's actually something I have to do. As soon as we're finished with this webinar. I have information from all of the interested use Services Librarians here in the county about when they usually hold their story times and if they have specific dates and times when they need the kits, so I have to put all that information together and hopefully Shake something out that works for everyone. Then I'm going to schedule the kits to go through our delivery. That way they can all use them there we have about five kids. 20:09 That are going to move throughout the county starting in mid-march and Lasting through the end of April which is when they recommend that people complete their senses. So one really fantastic thing about this kit is that it does include consistency of messaging next slide. 20:26 So some other ways that we're providing the census I'm Alison is visiting each library to train staff on sentence and census importance and general information. We will also be passing out. 20:40 The printed materials will be provided as well as the story time kids from March 15th through April 15th a reminder to complete the census will be at the bottom of all check out printed receipts our LS is Polaris. 20:57 Patrons can also find a link to our census website on all Patron facing desktop computers and you'll see a picture of the link there at the bottom next slide. So here's a picture of our website that has information on the census as well as links directly to the census website so they can complete it next slide and feel free to contact either of us with questions. Obviously. 21:26 You can ask us questions at the end of this. But if you have any more to come up with later, here's our information. We will also be sharing copies of the kit contents as well as the presenter songs and Rhymes. There should be a Google link coming to you from the organizer soon. Thanks so much. 22:10 All right. So with adult literacy, I'm at the library. I'm Helen Christian. I'm with Alameda County Library. I'm A literacy specialist and the main way we've been incorporating census materials is through our one-to-one tutoring sessions are small reading groups and our citizenship classes. So I'm going to go over some of those resources. 22:36 We've been using in our tutoring sessions and Says and there are links to each of these resources on the slides. So you have access to that but mainly our Focus has been to spread awareness about the census but also to give our Learners a time and place to ask questions and to fully understand what the census is what it's not and who gets counted. 23:06 So first we have the census fact sheets. I'm sure everyone has seen these before these are available on the Census Bureau website. And this first fact sheet is a great introduction to what the census is and this handout in particular is very accessible in terms of the language. 23:27 It has nice images that really show what each of the messages are on this handout and And eventually of the questions do lead to how will I respond? And so the Census Bureau also provides a handout and this particular handout provides a nice clear timeline. That's very easy to digest for our Learners. The other hand out is the census and confidentiality handout, which does have a lot more text on it. But discussions usually go to confidentiality not in terms. 24:05 Zuv privacy, but also immigration concerns and these are the main handouts. We've been using in our sessions and our classes and luckily these fact sheets are available on the Census Bureau website, and they are available in the 12 non-english languages supported by the census this year. 24:28 Going to the census questionnaire eventually our Learners ask what do I do? How do I fill it out? So recently the census has published a YouTube video showing how to fill out the census online. And so this is a really nice resource for adult literacy because showing videos as always helpful. They're also captions on this website to and when you click on this link, it goes to the YouTube. 24:56 A list that provides this video in the twelve other languages that are supported by the census this year. Also. We have the census paper questionnaire that we've been going through in our classes pretty frequently because it provides all the questions and our students typically want to understand the questions really clearly when it comes to reading and understanding questions. This is the time and place. 25:26 For them to get those questions answered and to see an authentic piece of material that they will receive in the mail. 25:38 Eventually, the question goes to why does the census ask these particular questions? A lot of our Learners do have concerns about privacy and so the census provides a really nice hand out about why each question is asked on the forms and I don't believe this particular handout is available in other languages, but it is a nice one to keep on hand if your learner's do have those questions. 26:07 But also on the website this handout is turned into a slide show of sorts that highlights each part of the census questionnaire and explains why each question is asked this website also includes the sample invitation letter. 26:27 So again in adult literacy having authentic pieces of material to go through with our adult Learners is always ideal so that they know exactly you expect in the mail and to know what questions are going to be asked and what that actually means the other resource particularly for our Learners with concerns by immigration is we have What's called the census know your rights card, and I know everybody is familiar with the red know your rights card that we've had in our libraries these past few years, but this card is really nice because it actually provides all of the frequently asked questions about the census and it fits in your wallet and it actually folds out into all of the explanations including that the census will not include the citizenship question that people can actually check the name of the enumerator at their door to make sure that they actually are working for the census and this card was created by the Central Valley immigration collaborative and there. 27:37 Stay out of Clovis, California. And this was provided through the adult education Network. So there is a link to that here too. If you would like to print them out for your own students. 27:53 And so so far I've shown you some resources of handouts that we actually give to our students in the classes and tutoring sessions, but luckily the census and other organizations are aware that it's nice to have ready to ready to go lessons including the Census Bureau. So they do provide lessons on this census for K through 12, but also for adult English language. 28:23 Hours and even though it is it says ESL on this website. I do think it's appropriate for all adult Learners as well locally for Alameda County. They also have created ESL curriculum. But again, they could be modified for whatever Learners you have. And these lessons were created by local adult school teachers the LAUSD division of adult and career. 28:53 Education has also provided really nice ready-made lessons. These were created specifically for the English Civics requirements in adult schools. But again, they can eat the easily modified for your own purposes and they go from beginning to more intermediate levels of English. And then also the Campbell adult and Community Education has also provided a ready to go. 29:23 Lessons, so not only do we have all of these really nice handouts and resources for our classes and our tutoring sessions, but also there's lessons provided by other organizations. So, this is just a reminder to also check within your own local area to see if they have also created lessons around the census this year. 29:48 And just to show you an example of what our students have been doing. We actually did a lesson using one of the Census Bureau lessons and it's called how the census helps my community and it uses what's called a kwl chart and this might look familiar to us teachers and adult literacy folks. But essentially what a kwl chart is that students are reflecting. 30:17 On what they know and it's which is what the case stands for what I want to know which is the W at this point. This is when the tutor or the teacher will present information about the senses and then the adult learner will get to reflect on what I actually learned from that information. So you can see this example here from one of our Learners. I transcribed what they wrote here. 30:45 So basically before learning about this This they didn't know much about the census what they wanted to know was when it will actually start and so this lesson was done in 2019 and how many people there actually are in the United States. So after presenting, you know, the previous handouts that I showed at the beginning of this part the learner wrote. It's important for everyone for 2020. Everyone has to get counted and we can't lose anyone and we shouldn't worry. 31:17 that our identity so we were really happy to see that this learner got that message that you know, it's really important for everybody to get counted and we are protected in terms of our identity and finally news for you, you know throughout the entire year is an important resource for adult literacy, but news for you also has been keeping articles that are about the Isis so news for you is a newspaper that is published by Pro literacy and it is easy to renew stories that are published every Wednesday. So our adult Learners can keep updated on very current news, but they're written in more accessible language. 32:06 They are available through print and or an online subscription and what's really nice is that they provide vocabulary crossword puzzles and other activities not just for the readers, but So for tutors and teachers that are doing lessons around these particular news stories. So this is a non a picture of an online version of this and then this is also an example of the paper copy which feels like a newspaper looks like a newspaper. So it's really nice for our adult Learners to feel like they are, you know, reading very current news that they can trust. 32:45 So overall lots of Really great resources that the census has already put out that are appropriate for our Learners and also partnering organizations. So it's really a matter of you, you know choosing the resources that you think fit for your adult Learners and your classes. So I'm going to turn it over to Bev to talk about what Imperial county is doing. 33:13 Thank you so much Helen, so I'm presenting for a crystal Duran and Crystal is the director of the Imperial County Free Library. I'm going to give you some quick background Imperial County Free Library is in Imperial County, which is a rural mostly agricultural area in the Southeast corner of California where we border Mexico and Arizona the population size is estimated at a hundred and eighty two thousand. 33:40 And we have lots of hard to count Pockets countywide the county library consists of four let Branch libraries in the outlying areas and each of the four major cities hosts, its own Municipal Library. 33:54 The county is a census committee which includes representatives from all cities and many nonprofits and other local agencies and some of the cities in Imperial County are also counting their own senses are also hosting their own senses committees. 34:09 For all of the program's mentioned in the upcoming slides the county library received rending through a local competitive process in Imperial County. There were two opportunities for funding to assist with the census one was at the county level and some were at the city level. So next slide Helen. 34:28 Thanks. So we had a bunch of adult programs. The first one was modeled after successful coffee with a cop program and it's coffee with the census and in this program bilingual census Outreach staff will be on site during designated program times to chat and answer questions to anyone interested in learning more about the senses. So it's a couple hours of drop in sign drop in time. That's informal. 34:57 The library will play various senses videos on a large screen or on separate computers during the coffee with the census time and some of you pointed out the promotional videos can be found at 2020 census dot-org a.gov. 35:12 Sorry 2020 census dot-gov Each participant and the event will we be awarded a drawing ticket and enter it in an opportunity drawing. There's one drawing per program prizes will vary from gift cards to local restaurants and coffee spots two movie tickets and gift baskets to a library tote bag full of goodies. We plan to host at least one program at which library branch and at larger branches at least two programs during the months of March and April. 35:45 Our second adult program is senses find forgiveness. It's similar to other find forgiveness promotions. The library has done in the past. The library will forgive all late fines to any adults completing the census at the library in the month of April. This will include fines for any children or other adults listed at the same address. 36:06 We're able to identify family members in our system through linked accounts. So this will make the process easy. We're excluding fines for missing books. Although we're considering reducing these missing or destroyed book fines by $10 to encourage more participants in our case our library generates. So little revenue from finds that the potential benefit is worth the potential Revenue loss. 36:30 We're still working on a catchy slogan or not sure if census makes sense will work. We may just go with something a little bit more General. 36:39 And our last note on this census fine forgiveness is that we're trying to have all local libraries commit to the find forgiveness promotion. So there's one consistent message countywide about this Crystal asked local library directors to start talking to their boards and City council's a few months ago. 36:59 The third adult program is a census kiosk. 37:05 All Branch libraries will be open additional business hours mostly in the evenings exclusively for the purpose of completing the census or to receive assistance with the senses. The library will put large signage outside. Each branch that state something like Library open for the census or Library census hours or complete your senses here totally important in a rural area where not everyone has access to the internet. 37:36 The senses hours will be staffed with a minimum of two bilingual staff. 37:43 And all of our Public Access computers will be available for the census. Our homepage during those hours will be set to the census page finally to support what Helen said in our adult literacy programs. And for those of you out of state California has state-supported adult literacy programs in more than a hundred Library jurisdictions, all of the tutors in the program and staff have been asked to incorporate the census into their lessons in some way in March and April. 38:13 This could include visiting the census website as part of computer literacy wrestling lessons or reading senses promotional materials as Helen explained next slide talks about our children's programs. Thanks Helen. 38:29 So we have for one is a bookmark design contest and the theme is Count Me In the contest will invite children and teens to submit a bookmark design entry on the theme of Count Me In or why I count that emphasizes. Why each child is unique and needs to be counted. There's an instruction sheet for the bookmarks contest then include some data on how the senses impacts children and we'll break up the entries into different age groups 0 to 6 7 to 12 and 13 and up and each age group will qualify for a prize drawing and will feature the winning. 39:06 Signs on our website and in the next month Library calendar and they'll also be displayed at the library. 39:14 The next event capitalizes on timing and that is for Dia de los and uni newest and Dia de los libros and we'll be featuring Story Time programs The Story Time theme will be everyone counts and we'll be using again a prize ticket entry to all adults attending and completing the census during those events and the programs will take place at the end of April during Dia and early May. 39:41 All of the drawings will be held within one week of the scheduled event and winners will be contacted to pick up their prizes at the library. 39:50 A third feature will be weekly early literacy programs as we know in this presentation has already talked about children ages 0 to 5 are typically under counted in the census and it's very important to count them so that they said that local jurisdictions understand how many young children and school age children live in their census area? 40:15 Our library hosts Three programs each week for infants Toddlers and preschool aged children at each Library staff are currently working on two themes to use at the end of March and early April to emphasize the census and encourage parents to complete the census. 40:33 Parents of these children and caregivers of these children who complete the census at the library will be awarded to give away books for their child. Typically at early literacy programs families get a giveaway book every 6 weeks when they complete a survey but we will be awarding additional books. 40:52 We will also award additional give away books each family who brings a friend that means another family with a child or children ages 0 to 5 to a We program and completes the senses. 41:07 Finally, we'll include senses themes in our regular monthly storytimes open to everyone that when will remind parents of the census information and distribute materials at all of our story times in March and April next slide how thanks. 41:25 We'll also be doing General promotion for the census for all of our libraries. And especially when we have those open hours in the evening. We'll have special outdoor signage. They'll say something like complete your senses here or Library senses hours. We'll be featuring inside the Library senses countdown boards and other signage to draw attention to the senses. 41:50 All of our staff members will be wearing asked me about the census buttons during March and April and staff will distribute bookmark or postcard science informational Flyers with each transaction at a service desk. 42:06 We're putting census information on the library's web page and on the libraries calendar as well. 42:13 And countywide there's a flyer of census kiosk that will list all libraries and their business hours. 42:20 Finally, we're doing these prize drawings and incorporating these opportunity drawings into any and all library programs in March and April to encourage census takers. 42:31 Next slide if you have any questions about the things that are going on in Imperial County we encourage you to come to contact Crystal the County librarian in Imperial County and we are now ready to take any questions or comments from the audience. I know I've heard from a lot of programs and especially adult literacy programs who are doing interesting senses programming and working to raise awareness of the census. So this is a great time for you to die. 43:01 Chime in put in the questions area the programs that you might be doing or the ideas you have or any questions for the presenters. Thanks. 43:11 We had one question come in for this is for Amy and Allison. What is the age range on those storytime kits that you shared? 43:22 So our goal is that they're mostly for kind of three to five but really depending on the books that you do you could adapt it for other ages just maybe cut some of the rhymes and songs use younger books. That would be my recommendation, but it's geared towards three to five. 43:47 we have a question about let's see here. Someone's asking about how can we ask people to fill out this form the senses and assume their information will be confidential and Nazis by isil other federal or law enforcement people. Are there any additional Protections in place beyond Oaths I can speak to that if you'd like. 44:13 Sure. Um, so I think Helen mentioned that there's some really good privacy documents and things online, but it boils down to this there are incredibly strong legal rules against doing that. The census Department can actually only show the raw data to about like three people and the president is not on there. So basically nobody gets to the raw data. 44:42 They're using the new model to randomize the data this year which means that it's almost impossible should be theoretically impossible for anyone to reconstruct the data and figure out who said what and the other more depressing thing is that the federal government has a lot of other ways to figure out who is who is here with papers and who's not and that is one of the main reasons they lost that lawsuit is that the census department and the federal government just admitted that there were other better ways to do that. 45:26 So, this is Bev, and I'd like to add that if you look on this census official website, there's some great information about for Community organizations because there is a fear that there will be especially like door-to-door and phone call scammers. And for those of you who are doing educational programs. I really encourage you to familiarize yourself with that information. 45:48 If you have people who have questions, it's one of the reasons that when the Census Bureau It as you know, if you're providing computer help have a direct link to this censuses own website and not to go through any intermediary. Their website is incredibly safe and secure. We just want to be careful that people avoid intermediaries who may have other purposes. So all of the presenters really brought up trusted sources of information, but it's a good idea for all Library staff to be aware of the fact that there's there's information. 46:24 In out there about how to talk about Safety and Security of the census data and how to avoid threats to that Safety and Security which is not going to come through the Census Bureau itself, but might come through, you know, someone who is is collecting information. 46:42 So for everyone if somebody ask for your social security number, you'll know that that's not an official census Taker and those post points of information are super important when you're talking with Emily's when you're talking with adult literacy Learners when you're talking with all audiences, you'll want your staff to be aware of them and the census bureau's website really does provide good information on that. Yeah, and just to add to that political parties and like packs will currently send people mailers that use the word census on it and they've been doing that for years. So being able to identify something that's legitimately from the Census and something that it's a fundraising document is important. 47:26 Yeah, there's even information and how do you make sure the thing that comes in? The mail is legitimate like look for what's the return address and so I encourage you to use the incredibly excellent resources available at the census 2020 dot gov website. So someone is saying these are all great ideas. Thank you. I have a question about branding. How do you incorporate the US Census logo your state and County census logos and your library? 47:56 If your Flyers signage so that it's not cluttered and confusing. 48:07 That's his bad. This is that's a great question. I would look very carefully at the census.gov website. They actually have pretty they have pretty clear graphics and they asked you not to meddle the graphics to not add a different logo to the census logo. They have very clear guidelines on that. So the same guidelines you use for any graphic design. I know for this answer there's so much information. We'd like to include a lot of different information. 48:35 But often less is more providing a link to where people can get more information. Sometimes is more in helpful than providing a one page that's in tiny print with a lot of details take your cues. I think from census.gov because they have provided pretty clean clear graphics and help give some examples of those. 49:00 Anybody else has to throw in a comment? I'd welcome. 49:10 Okay, and we have another question in the meantime. I'm not sure who this is for. Can we get a copy of the game board? 49:19 That's probably from my my document. That's so yes, if you go to the website. 49:29 And one is one of the appendices pages so you can just download it in feel free to use it. However, you want or steal it and use your own branding. Thanks Eric. And this is Bev. I do want to throw out there people have developed all sorts of activities. I know that Newport Beach is public libraries Newport Beach Public Library's adult literacy program has developed for Learners a Family Feud kind of game about census information. 49:58 And if you are interested in any of this other information, you can look at the toolkits the senses and Sensibility. I also posted a link to the one from the Indiana State library. And as we said, you know, the internet is a great resource or you can send questions directly to any of us. 50:18 And we have someone who says we are using the raise your hand tree from the Census and Sensibility for a passive program without hands and tabletop tree left over from another display write your name on the hand and hang it from the tree because awesome. 50:39 Are you going to have a list probably for you, Bev. Are you going to have a lesson learned after this very busy year so we know what worked and what didn't yeah, thank you for that question and thank you for suggesting at yes. We'll try to do that. 50:55 And that's it will be ready for a census 2030 and goodness knows how they'll only collect the information that way so this is the first time we're going primarily digital for census data collection, but who knows what will happen in 10 years? 51:12 Anybody else have any comments or questions? Let's sing any right now. 51:30 Got some thank yous coming in very thorough and helpful. Thank you. 51:40 Alrighty, we can go ahead and wrap up close to the top of the hour. 51:49 Bev that you have anything else that you wanted to share before we wrap up. No, I think if Helen can push to the next slide, which has the metrics webinars, we're ready. Alrighty. Well, thanks everyone. Thanks everyone on the panel for that great webinar. 52:08 And for our audience, you can see that we're sharing some additional metrics webinars that are coming up. We have the dates for these as placeholders but registration is not open for those yet. But if you check back on our info people site, you will be able to register when those open up. So everyone who registered and attended today's webinar will receive a follow-up email tomorrow that includes a link to the archived recording of This webinar as well as a link to a certificate of attendance. 52:37 We're also going Link in the chat to a short survey, and if you could please take a few minutes to fill that out and will help us in help planning future training. So, thanks again everyone and we'll see you at our next webinar. RE-GENERATE TRANSCRIPT SAVE EDITS