An Infopeople Webinar

February 22nd, 2012 12:00 PM
1:00 PM

Presenter: Gina Millsap 

  • Books are piled all over the circulation department and there’s a backlog in technical services.
  • Staff members in different departments work in silos and defend their turf, rather than focusing on common goals.
  • The special collections manager is retiring after twenty years. What should the plan and focus be for the future?

These are common challenges in libraries. What will you do if you’re in one of these situations?

Process improvement provides an objective and collaborative approach to problem-solving, organizational development, and thinking and acting strategically.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, attendees will:

  • Have a basic understanding of process improvement and organizing around the work.
  • Have some basic tools to initiate a process improvement project.
  • Be familiar with the steps in facilitating a process improvement project.

Sometimes a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing. In this case, it’s essential. Be the person in your library that knows how to improve outcomes and services through process improvement.

This webinar will be of interest to staff at all levels in all types of libraries.

Speaker's slides

  • ppt [19.3mb]
  • pdf (Full slide) [4.2mb]
  • pdf (3 slides per page) [929kb]


  • Notes and Bookmarks: None

Chat and Q&A,

  • Chat: pdf [27kb]
  • Q&A: pdf [31kb]