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Brush off the cobwebs, clean out the closets, and check for cracks. Have you ever wondered if your volunteer engagement program is using all of the current best practices? This training will review and discuss important program components such as interviews, orientations, volunteer handbooks, risk management and more. Sample program documents will be provided as well as a program assessment checklist to help you evaluate your existing program..

Webinar: Tue, January, 12, 2010
Time: 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM PDT
Presenter: Jennifer Bennett
Bios [doc] [pdf]

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  • Speaker's slides
  • Handouts
    • Confidentiality Agreement - [pdf 31kb]
    • Program Evaluation checklist - [pdf 20kb]
    • Volunteer Acknowledgment Page Sample - [doc 90kb]
    • Volunteer Handbook Sample - [doc 168kb]
    • Volunteer MOA Template - [doc 33kb]