John Chrastka is executive director of EveryLibrary, the first nationwide political action committee for libraries, and the EveryLibrary Institute, a nonprofit focused on research and training to stabilize and extend library funding. Since 2012, EveryLibrary has helped 96 library communities in the United States with ballot measures for funding, operations and buildings, winning 80% and securing over $320 million in funding on Election Days. EveryLibrary runs, a digital advocacy site focused on preserving budgets and positions for school libraries. A long-time library trustee, supporter and advocate, Mr. Chrastka is a former president of the Board of Trustees for the Berwyn (IL) Public Library (2006 – 2015) and is a former president of the Reaching Across Illinois Libraries System (RAILS), a multi-type library system. Prior to his work on EveryLibrary, he was a partner in AssociaDirect, a Chicago-based consultancy focused on supporting associations in membership recruitment, conference, and governance activities; was Director for Membership Development at the American Library Association (ALA); and was cofounder of the educational technology start-up ClassMap. He was named a 2014 Mover & Shaker by Library Journal for his work with EveryLibrary. He tweets at @mrchrastka.