Stephanie Gerding, MLIS, is an experienced consultant, librarian, author, and trainer. Stephanie has success in all aspects of grant work as a reviewer, writer, evaluator, grantor, and project manager. She is the author of four books, the ALA Editions best seller, Winning Grants, Second Edition: A How-To-Do-It Manual For Librarians , the Library Grants Blog, and over 20 professional library articles on fundraising. She’s been a lead grant reviewer of LSTA and state grants at two state libraries, and reviewed grants for nonprofits, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. She’s the Executive Director of Act of Giving, a small nonprofit giving circle. Stephanie finds grant work exciting and challenging and loves helping others learn to enjoy it as well. She lives in beautiful Seattle, WA with her amazing husband, their spunky 13 year old daughter, and Paxton, the flying cat.