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An Infopeople Webinar

May 15th, 2024 12:00 PM
1:00 PM

Annie TillmannErika ChurchLorelei Rutledge​ Start time: 3:00 Eastern, 2:00 Central, 1:00 Mountain, 12:00 Pacific

Presenters: Lorelei RutledgeErika E. Church, and Anneliese (Annie) Tillmann


As library workers, we recognize the significance of creating environments that embrace diversity and prioritize the well-being of all patrons and staff. In this webinar we will be starting the conversation around how body shape and size stigma affect our society. We will be focusing on libraries, and how we can create services, spaces, and workplaces that better support people of diverse body shapes and sizes. We will describe the significance of weight stigma, its historical context, and its intersection with other identities, offering insights into the barriers it creates. Together we will discuss individual and organizational strategies to combat body shape and size stigma and support all library users and workers.

By fostering awareness and implementing actionable steps, we aim to cultivate environments where everyone feels respected, valued, and empowered to access library resources and services without fear of judgment or discrimination. Join us as we initiate this essential conversation and take meaningful steps towards creating equitable and inclusive libraries for all.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

  • Think more broadly about the ALA Code of Ethics in addressing body shape and size stigma
  • Explain what weight or body shape and size stigma is in order to recognize how it manifests in the world and in libraries and how it intersects with other marginalized identities.
  • Start conversations about how weight or body shape and size discrimination affects library users in order to help libraries better meet the needs of these users.
  • Articulate where to get additional information about weight or body shape and size stigma in order to continue learning about this topic.

This webinar will be of interest to: all library staff especially public facing staff.

Webinar Materials: