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Maker-centered Learning in the Library
An Infopeople Online Learning Course
Course Instructor: Corey Wittig
- Are you interested in expanding the definition of literacy in your library programs and services to include the multiple literacies embodied by the maker movement?
- Would you like to learn more about maker-centered learning in libraries?
- Do you need help figuring out where to begin?
Making doesn't need to happen in a makerspace – all libraries can be makerspaces whether they can provide a dedicated space or not. Making requires changes in practice, not necessarily the addition of spaces.
This course will arm you with the tools necessary to plan, promote, and pull-off maker programming at your library. First we will look at how maker activities enhance, not replace, traditional library programs and services. Next we will cover popular tools, projects, and practical approaches for making. Finally you will learn how to implement and market your maker activities. By the end of this course you will be ready to try making yourself, and feel confident taking steps to promote making (to administration as well as library patrons) at your library.
Course Description: This four-week online course will provide weekly readings, practical assignments, and discussion forums for the sharing ideas and experiences. The instructor will provide essential resources, best practices, and useful tips and techniques that can be applied immediately in your library. There will be one optional live online meeting during the course on Wednesday April 22, 2015 at noon Pacific time to discuss attainable goals and next steps for when the course ends.
Course Outline: When you log in to the Infopeople online learning site, you will see weekly modules with these topics:
- Week 1: What is Making: Roots in Education and Emergence in Libraries
- Making, literacy and the library mission
- The library professional as educator, book guide and information guru
- Making enhances traditional library programs and services
- Success stories at libraries of all sizes
- Research and educational philosophies
- Programs and services that are beneficial to the community
- Week 2: Tools and Practices of Making in Libraries
- Commonly used tools for a variety of activities
- Tried and true methods with custom-built programming
- Making that fits your library's goals and strategic plan
- Making doesn't need to happen in a maker space
- Week 3: Steps to Implement Making in your Library
- Allocating funds, budgeting, prioritizing and planning
- Involvement in online making communities
- Evaluation of programming and responding to community feedback
- Balancing user interest and community
- Making as part of library services: beyond programming
- Week 4: Making as Part of Your Practice
- Marketing to staff members
- Energizing and training staff to take on new challenges
- One-on-one and group learning opportunities
- Community partners create "learning pathways"
- Using community partners as experts
Time Required: To complete this course, you can expect to spend 2½ hours per week, for a total of ten course hours. Each week's module contains readings and various options for assignments, discussions, or online meetings. You can choose the options most relevant to your work and interests. Although you can work on each module at your own pace, at any hour of the day or night, it is recommended that you complete each week's work within that week to stay in sync with other learners.
Who Should Take This Course: All Public library staff including library administrators who are interested in expanding library programs and services to include maker activities.
Online Learning Details and System Requirements may be found at:
After the official end date for the course, the instructor will be available for limited consultation and support for two more weeks, and the course material will stay up for an additional two weeks after that. These extra weeks give those who have fallen behind time to work independently to complete the course.
Keywords: Adult services, Children's services, Literacy, Programming, Teen services