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An Infopeople Online Learning Course

September 29th, 2015 12:00 PM
October 27th, 2015 12:00 AM

Course Instructor: Catherine Hakala-Ausperk 

  • Would you like to be able to add, remove and improve staff you supervise in a professional, appreciative and effective way?
  • Do you want to know the secret behind building your staff into a successful team?
  • Are you interested in being able to analyze the knowledge, skills and abilities of team members in order to identify training and development needs?

It's been said that, with a great staff in place, all the boss needs to do is open the door in the morning and get out of the way and the library will be a success! Sounds good, right, but how do you get that "great staff" in place? The answer is probably simpler than you might imagine.

By applying an attitude of respect, dedication, trust, and confidence, ALL supervisors can hire, train, develop and motivate winning employees- and build great teams! By the conclusion of this course Cathy Hakala-Ausperk will help you be a great boss who leads a great team.

Course Description: This four-week online course will provide readings and practical assignments to help learners with the skills needed to hire and grow the best staff into a team. Through assignments, discussions and an online meeting, learners will share with each other challenges and resolutions to the process of hiring and developing employees. Throughout the four weeks, learners will be encouraged to apply the concepts they learn to their own library.

Course Outline: When you log in to the Infopeople online learning site, you will see weekly modules with these topics:

  • Week 1: Growing Your Team
    • Review changing roles for your team and realistic staffing gaps
    • Create a profile of the successful candidate
    • Successful Recruiting
    • Interviewing
    • Making a Decision – and an Offer
  • Week 2: Blending Your Team
    • Why the entire team should be involved in designing and running new employee orientation
    • Determining what a new team member should accomplish in the first three months…six months…year
    • What are assessments and how can they help with skill development
  • Week 3: Resolving Team Challenges
    • Making sure all team roles and expectations are clear
    • Recognizing what is a problem – and what isn't
    • Knowing how to discipline
    • Encouraging accountability and sound decision making
    • Creating risk takers
  • Week 4: Aiming for Team Success
    • Tracking, evaluating and assuring growth for all team members
    • Achieving your own development
    • Celebrating team achievements

Time Required: To complete this course, you can expect to spend 2½ hours per week, for a total of ten course hours. Each week's module contains readings and various options for assignments, discussions, or online meetings. You can choose the options most relevant to your work and interests. Although you can work on each module at your own pace, at any hour of the day or night, it is recommended that you complete each week's work within that week to stay in sync with other learners.

Who Should Take This Course: Anyone who is responsible for hiring, supervising or managing staff in their job.

Online Learning Details and System Requirements may be found at:

After the official end date for the course, the instructor will be available for limited consultation and support for two more weeks, and the course material will stay up for an additional two weeks after that. These extra weeks give those who have fallen behind time to work independently to complete the course.

Keywords: Personnel Issues, Supervision and management