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An Infopeople Online Learning Course

April 11th, 2017 12:00 PM
May 8th, 2017 4:30 PM
California $125.00
Out-of-state $200.00

Instructor: Emily Nimsakont

  • Would you like to know more about Resource Description and Access (RDA), the new cataloging code implemented by the Library of Congress in 2013?
  • Do you understand the difference between AACR2 and RDA records?
  • Have you wondered about how RDA fits into the future of cataloging

In this course taught by expert Emily Nimsakont, you will receive an introduction to RDA including the theory behind RDA and what it means for library customers, tips for implementing RDA in your library catalog, tools for converting AACR2 records to RDA-compliant hybrid records and how RDA relates to other current developments in the cataloging field such as BIBFRAME. After completing this course learners will be able to not only understand RDA and identify RDA compliant records, but also create an original catalog record that follows RDA.

Course Description: This four-week online course will provide resources, tips and techniques that can be used immediately. Through assignments, discussion forums, and an online meeting, you will learn about RDA, how to implement it in your library, how to convert AACR2 records to RDA-compliant hybrid records and how to create an original catalog record that follows RDA.

Course Outline: When you log in to the Infopeople online learning site, you will see weekly modules with these topics:

  • Week 1: What is RDA and Why Do We Need It?
    • What is RDA?
    • RDA and FRBR
    • General structure of RDA rules
    • RDA toolkit
  • Week 2: Differences Between RDA and AACR2
    • RDA's changes
    • Rule of three
    • Content, media and carrier type
    • Authority records
  • Week 3: Real-World RDA: Implementation Challenges
    • Conversion of AACR2 records to RDA records
    • Hybrid records
    • Relationship designators
    • OCLC's RDA policies
  • Week 4: RDA and the Future of Cataloging
    • Introduction to BIBFRAME
    • Linked data
    • Practical applications of BIBFRAME

Pre-course Assignment: In order to participate most effectively in the course assignments learners should download the MarcEdit software prior to the course start. This is a free download and can be found at the following URL: If for some reason you are unable to complete the download, you may still participate in the course using alternative options for assignments.

Time Required: To complete this course, you can expect to spend 2½ hours per week, for a total of ten course hours. Each week's module contains readings and various options for assignments, discussions, or online meetings. You can choose the options most relevant to your work and interests. Although you can work on each module at your own pace, at any hour of the day or night, it is recommended that you complete each week's work within that week to stay in sync with other learners.

Who Should Take This Course: Staff in all types of libraries whose job duties include cataloging (a little or a lot)

Online Learning Details and System Requirements may be found at:

Learner Requirements: Prior experience with cataloging and MARC records would be useful for this class. Access to either OCLC Connexion, MarcEdit (see pre-course assignment), or the back-end of your library's cataloging system is highly recommended.

After the official end date for the course, the instructor will be available for limited consultation and support for two more weeks, and the course material will stay up for an additional two weeks after that. These extra weeks give those who have fallen behind time to work independently to complete the course.

Keywords: Cataloging