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An Infopeople Webinar

September 23rd, 2014 12:00 PM
1:00 PM

Start Time: Pacific - 12 Noon, Mountain - 1 PM, Central - 2 PM, Eastern - 3 PM

Presenter: Nancy Dowd photo of Nancy Dowd

In the old days, a well-written press release and a few posters did an effective job of reaching your community. We now live in a time where people expect to receive information through their preferred communication channels. With so many options and limited staff and time, what can a library do?

  • Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Tumblr and Instagram. Your library hardly has enough time to create print and web promotional materials - how can you possibly add more marketing channels?
  • Your Facebook presence only has a handful of followers, should you keep going or give up?
  • Is there one marketing channel or a combination that is right for your library?

If your library is struggling to answer these and other questions around multichannel marketing, then you will want to join this webinar. Nancy Dowd, co-author of Bite-Sized Marketing, Realistic Solutions for Overwork Librarians will help library staff sift through the confusion of multi-channel marketing to determine a pathway that is right for your needs. You will learn to understand the different communication styles needed for each channel and hear about pathways other libraries are implementing.

At the end of this one-hour webinar, participants will:

  • Understand multichannel marketing and why it is relevant to their success
  • Know the four steps to the minimal marketing process
  • Understand the difference between content calendar and cross promotion strategies and how to implement each for your library
  • Identify three key steps required for authentic conversations on social media
  • Be able to identify the top three communication channels that are right for your library
  • Be able to outline a multichannel communication plan for at least one program, product or service

This webinar will be of interest to library staff responsible for promoting any program, product or service.

Webinars are free of charge, you can pre-register by clicking on the Register Now button (at the top and bottom of this page). If registering with less than 30 MINUTES from the start of the webinar you can join directly from the thank you page by clicking the Join Now button. If you pre-registered you will receive an email with login link and a reminder email the day before the event.

Presentation Material

Speaker's slides
ppt [15.4mb]
pdf (Full slide) [17mb]
pdf (3 slides per page) [16.9mb]
Communication Blueprint: pdf [27kb]

Keywords: Marketing and publicity, Outreach